Alma Backyard Farms

It’s a name well-suited, then, for Alma Backyard Farms, where tending the earth gives rise to larger, ever-deepening cycles of growth and transformation—of land, of self, and of community.
ALMA launched in 2013 with the intention of creating opportunities for the previously-incarcerated to become ‘urban farmers,’ fostering a sense of connection with the natural world, while raising food to nurture local communities.
In support of ALMA’s mission, Bar au Chocolat provides our cacao husk by-product to be used as an ingredient in their compost. Cacao husk is abundant in protein, fiber, ash, and other minerals, all of which produce a rich, fertile soil—one in which new life can take root, and thrive.
Because from the ground up, we are all interconnected in the most beautiful, beneficial way.
To read further about Alma Backyard Farms, please visit their website here.